centro dati



The increase in data center scale directly leads to a leapfrog upgrade in network complexity. Under the wave of new infrastructure, the demand for various digital infrastructure by enterprises and society has increased without decreasing. A highly efficient network that matches the scale of the data center is key to ensuring smooth flow of data and business within the data center. The first step in building an efficient network is to choose the right network architecture.


Need to build a standardized and resilient network to support rapid and sustainable business development.
How to achieve smooth evolution of network architecture?
How to achieve a server scale of 1-100k per cluster?



Percorso breve

The advantage of this architecture is that the data forwarding path is short, one hop across Leafs is reachable, and the path and latency have strong consistency Hardware level redundancy protection ensures business continuity and uninterrupted network.


Rete virtuale

VXLAN technology builds a virtual second layer network and creates a virtual tunnel in the IP network to achieve cross regional and cross data center data migration, and flexible resource allocation. Support EVPN-VXLAN, increase the number of tenants, and meet the identification and isolation needs between large-scale different networks. Support M-LAG virtualization technology, load sharing between links, and improve link reliability; The independent control surface supports independent device upgrades, achieving instant business upgrades and a seamless user experience.



Connessione diretta per una migliore connettività del data center e una riduzione del traffico

Lo switch core del data center è collegato direttamente a più switch secondari del nodo core della rete metropolitana, accorciando il percorso della piattaforma server e riducendo la pressione del traffico sulla rete dorsale.

Tecnologia Virtual Switching Unit (VSU) per funzionalità di switch consolidate e indipendenti

Lo switch TOR top di gamma e lo switch dual core utilizzano la tecnologia VSU per virtualizzare due switch fisicamente indipendenti in un unico switch logicamente indipendente.

Casi d'uso

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