Kasus jaringan atraksi taman

Fengrunda menciptakan pengawasan nirkabel jarak jauh definisi tinggi yang stabil untuk Pemerintah Provinsi Henan


1. Background of the project

This project is a wireless monitoring project of the Henan Provincial Government. The Henan Provincial Government is the national administrative agency of Henan Province . It is located on Weier Road, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou City. In order to better protect the safety of people’s lives and property, it decided to install a monitoring system around the provincial government building.

Menurut lingkungan yang sebenarnya, diputuskan untuk menggunakan sistem pengawasan video nirkabel untuk membangun sistem transmisi asli dengan mulus dan memastikan konstruksi yang ekonomis, nyaman, dan penampilan yang indah. Dalam proyek ini, Fengrunda terutama berfungsi sebagai penyedia peralatan transmisi untuk sistem pemantauan nirkabel, menyediakan peralatan jembatan nirkabel berkualitas tinggi dan berkinerja tinggi untuk memastikan kelancaran sistem pemantauan nirkabel.

2. Proyek persyaratan

Untuk membangun sistem pemantauan nirkabel dengan gambar yang jelas, peringatan dini yang tinggi, kemampuan kontrol yang kuat, serta perintah dan pengiriman tepat waktu yang nyaman, persyaratan berikut ini harus dipenuhi:

1、Ensure that the network is connected to monitoring points distributed in various areas to conduct real-time monitoring of various areas around the provincial government;

2、Secara efektif menghindari saluran bersama atau sumber interferensi lain untuk memastikan bahwa gambar transmisi terlihat jelas;

3、It facilitates wiring and installation, shortens the project construction period as much as possible, and improves safety warning;

4、Effectively resist the invasion of outdoor bad weather and ensure stable and smooth network transmission;

5、Facilitates later expansion, maintenance and management of the system;

3. Skema desain

According to customer needs, to ensure clear monitoring images and stable transmission, Fengrunda decided to use the RD-W353CPE outdoor wireless bridge as the transmission backbone equipment in the wireless transmission network. The bridge is waterproof, sunproof, and lightning-proof. It has a built-in 12dBi gain antenna, a wireless rate of 300Mbps, and a transmission distance of 1 to 3 kilometers. It has built-in modules and does not require cumbersome power wiring.

According to the monitoring scope and distribution of monitoring points, a total of 14 pairs of RD-W353CPE network bridges are used and installed at various channels and entrances around the provincial government. The longest transmission distance is 1 km. In a one-to-one manner, one One station receives the video signal from the surveillance camera, and the other station sends the video signal to the monitoring center.

Managers can monitor the conditions of the roads surrounding the provincial government in real time through the display screen of the monitoring center.

Diagram topologi solusi:


4. Aktif pemasangan peralatan di lokasi

Pekerja konstruksi perlu memasang kamera pengintai dan jembatan nirkabel pemancar di ujung depan, kemudian memasang jembatan nirkabel penerima di pusat pemantauan backend, menghubungkan NVR dan monitor, dan menyelesaikan instalasi perangkat keras seluruh sistem.

Pemasangan seluruh sistem sangat sederhana, menghemat banyak tenaga kerja, sumber daya material dan biaya waktu. Kontrol setiap saluran penjadwalan gambar di ruang pemantauan back-end sangat sederhana, yang kondusif untuk manajemen yang dioptimalkan.

Selama instalasi, perhatian perlu diberikan untuk menentukan lokasi pusat pemantauan sehingga tidak ada halangan besar antara pemancar dan penerima. Setelah instalasi selesai, alamat IP yang valid perlu dikonfigurasi dan dikalibrasi serta di-debug.

situasi langsung:


Pemasangan kamera ujung depan dan jembatan


Backend bridge installation and debugging


Memantau dinding tampilan

5. Fitur dari rencana tersebut

1. The design of the entire transmission scheme and the selected wireless bridge equipment are convenient, beautiful, efficient, and consistent with the project environment and project needs.

2. This wireless transmission system has low investment cost and high scalability. It can be realized by adding front-end equipment, transmitter and receiver bridges.

3. Through the construction of the wireless monitoring system, the urgent task of security monitoring of the Henan Provincial Government has been successfully solved, dan it has provided convenience for later management.

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