
Konferensi Pertukaran Offline Channel Ark Fengrunda 2024 - Berhasil diadakan di Stasiun Nanjing


On March 7, 2024, Shenzhen Fengrunda Technology Co., Ltd. successfully held the “Fengrunda 2024 Channel Ark Plan Offline Exchange Conference” in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. As an important central city in the eastern region of China, a national research and education base, and a comprehensive transportation hub, the successful holding of this salon has significant strategic significance in strengthening brand promotion, deepening exchanges with local integrators and engineering companies, and expanding the local market in Nanjing. It marks another solid step for Fengrun Technology on the path of expanding its presence in the national market.

Since its establishment in 2011, Fengrunda Technology has always adhered to the corporate mission of “focusing on customer needs and challenges, providing competitive three network integration solutions”. With its continuous technological innovation and deep market insights, it leads the technological pioneers of small and medium-sized enterprises. Mr. Peng, the general manager of Fengrunda Technology, presided over the salon at the meeting, and Mr. Wu, the regional leader of Nanjing, also attended to assist, witnessing the exquisite technological innovation and complete product line of Fengrunda Technology together.

In this salon event, Ms. Peng Songzhi, General Manager of Fengrun Da Technology, showcased Fengrun Da’s complete product line (access layer, aggregation layer, core layer, enterprise switch, industrial switch, wireless WiFi, and high-speed switches such as 10G, 2.5G, 10G, 40G, and 100G), the powerful operation and maintenance functions of Fengrun Da Apollo cloud management platform, as well as industrial switches, 2/3 layer aggregation management switches, and data center high-speed switches

The industry elites and partners attending the meeting highly recognized and praised the products of Fengrun Technology, and the on-site communication atmosphere was enthusiastic. Many attendees expressed that this salon has provided them with a more intuitive and profound understanding of the performance of Fengrun Technology’s products, and has led to deeper communication and discussion on better meeting market demand.

The series of salon events held this time provide Shenzhen Fengrunda Technology Co., Ltd. with the opportunity to establish closer cooperation with integrators, engineers, and agents, strengthening the company’s market penetration in various regions. Through communication and cooperation during the event, Fengrun Da has gained many beneficial insights and business opportunities, laying a solid foundation for the company’s future development.

Sebagai produsen yang berspesialisasi dalam penelitian dan pengembangan, produksi, dan penjualan sakelar dan produk nirkabel, Shenzhen Fengrunda Technology Co, Ltd berkomitmen untuk menyediakan produk dan layanan berkualitas tinggi. Dengan menyelenggarakan acara salon ini, perusahaan telah membangun reputasi yang baik di industri ini dan semakin mengukuhkan posisinya di industri ini.

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